There was a time when I was so shy you wouldn't recognize me. Like so many women I meet, I spent the majority of my life as a doormat, feeling anxious, playing small, being passive, and people pleasing. I was deeply afraid of rejection and failure.

I became depressed living a life where I came last, where the weight of my conditioning held me down. I didn't know my worth, or why I was here, and I felt so disconnected from my own true power. 

I just KNEW there had to me more to life than this...

So I prayed. I asked God from the bottom of my heart to change my life and show me my purpose. I declared that I was willing to let go of EVERYTHING that stood in the
way of that. 

That prayer set me on a path of initiation—15 years of deep personal transformation that came with some really hard life lessons that shook me to my core. Because well, that was just HOW I needed to learn in order to reclaim my power. 

I know what it takes to rise from self-doubt into confidence. To break free from heavy familial and societal conditioning and step into ease, magnetism, and abundance on my own. I've learned how to create a business that not only thrives financially but awakens others and
nourishes my soul.

We come into this world with a unique set of challenges that can either make or break us. What will you do with the cards you've been dealt?

Take what life has handed you, use it to empower you and let it fuel the creation of the life you know is possible for you. 

This is the path. The initiation. The work that changes everything.

My Story

I've spent the past 15 years on an accelerated path of awakening. A journey of bringing shadows to light. Turning pain into purpose. Shame into liberation. I had no idea I would come this far. In the pursuit of healing myself I became a spiritual guide, teacher, and healer. This is more than a profession to me, it's a calling.

As an embodiment coach, I empower those who are done sacrificing parts of themselves. Who realize that honoring their desires and needs are crucial to their well being. Who are done playing small, done hiding in the shadows. Who are ready to unleash their power and do whatever it takes to live with joy, presence, and meaning, in celebration of their wholeness. 

The work we will do together here is about more than mindset shifts—it’s about deep embodiment, energetic mastery and unleashing your most
hot, whole, and holy self.

Because the truth is, YOU ARE ALREADY IT. The version of you who moves with confidence, attracts effortlessly, and creates with ease? It's already inside you. Waiting to be awakened.

CURRENt morning VIBe:

Matcha, weights & the 5 Tibetan Rites


My 10 year old duaghter

I STARTED my first

At the age of 32


Feral, by Nagapriestess



"I’ve had the opportunity to be coached by Annette a few times, and I’m truly grateful to have found her. In just three sessions, she has helped me release a deeply ingrained limiting belief and become more aware of how emotions show up in my body. Annette has lead me through numerous personalized guided meditations and visualizations which genuinely bring me closer to my intuition."


"I've had the pleasure of going to Annette for a little more than 6 months now, and I can't highly recommended enough. Annette create a truly supportive and healing environment where I felt at peace and very comfortable exploring and growing. I truly feel Annette has a beautiful and gentle way of guiding. Over the months, I appreciate her taking the time to understanding how I'm like and where I'm at."

Cindy p.

"Annette is an absolutely incredible healer. There is a deep peace that emanates from her being that seems to melt away tension thats held in the body and soul. She's guided me through releasing some painful blocked energies with the compassion, grace and wisdom of an angel. Allow yourself to sink into the nurturing and rejuvenating space she creates and prepare to leave reborn and revitalized!"

Chris K.

"Annette's mind, spirit, and capacity for healing are INCREDIBLE. She took me deep into my soul within minutes, then guided me into my body and connected me to myself in a way I haven't felt in years—if ever. She unlocked blind spots for future integration and helped me tap into an activated energy that still has me in positive momentum, radiating from the session. Worth every penny and then some. I can't recommend her highly enough."

Chris K.

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21 Ways to Embody Self-Love & Self-Worth